Clear Cookies

On occasion the support staff may ask you to clear cookies for your browser. This typically is required when a cookie has become corrupted. This may result in a 500 server error or an infinite redirect loop.



Steps to clear cache in Chrome.

  1. Click Menu button
  2. Choose Settings
  3. Search for cookies and then click Content Settings
  4. All cookies and site data...

  5. Search for and click Remove all shown


Steps to clear cache in Firefox.

  1. Click Menu button
  2. Options
  3. Privacy tab
  4. Remove individual cookies
  5. Search for
  6. Remove all

Internet Explorer 11

Steps to clear cookies for IE11.

  1. Visit your login page. It should be something like
  2. Menu
  3. F12 Developer Tools
  4. Network subtab
  5. Clear cookies for domain button


